

May 15, 2012

April 2nd was my first announcement and solicitation for donations for the medical mission.  I posted it is as my facebook status and even made a facebook event page.  I posted this as my status for one full week during Easter, and since then have made only one other announcement.  In the first couple of days, I must have seemed desperate for a response as I updated my status several times to keep it current.  Who knows how many facebook friends removed me from their status updates.  I must have been so annoying.  I have never solicited for donations and the thought of asking to raise $3625 was embarrassing to me.  I kept thinking about how others may perceive the solicitation coming from a single male nurse still living with his parents.  Truth is, I didn't have the $3625 so I applied for assistance through e3.  I was required to send out 72 fundraising letters and if I raised at least half, e3 would take care of the rest.  By the end of the week I was way past the minimum goal for the assistance fund to kick in and well on the way to raising the full amount.  I won't be needing the assistance fund after all.  As of today, the fundraiser total is at $5935.  The overage will be used to help other team members reach their fundraising goals. 
So I've pretty much just talked about the beginning of this journey and all I've talked about is the money part.  Turns out this is a very important part of the journey and the real meanings of each donation and prayer has contributed to my preparation for my first medical mission.  I will talk more about this in my next post.

1 comment:

  1. Kirk Wesson20/6/12 21:09

    Never annoying, Jek Samson. Ask me again, next time, too. And it doesn't surprise me that the funds came up so quickly. We all know your heart.
